In the Blue Hair, in the Monkey's Redress.
Rosenfeld Gallery.
Curated by Maya Frenkel Tene.
The paintings for this exhibition were made in heist, therefore They were painted one at a time while work was happening on all of them simultaneously. Each of them felt complete once it reached a sense of inner-action; a somewhat abstract state that created irritation and tension. Their coming-together was sealed by the fading-out of their painterly thoughts and the emergence of what can be perceived as narrative. What You see in front of you hides its process; it brings to the surface not the tentacles of the different beasts that built it, but their desire to come together and become one. These new formations mark Surrealism as their territory, and try to make a new, non-nostalgic, place within this genre.
רוזנפלד מיטיב לגלות אמנים ולהפתיע. הפעם הוא יוצא עם יעל ורטהיים בציור שמקפיץ את הפיוזים... משהו בין אקספרסיוניזם גרמני לשרב בשבת בתל אביב. סדרת ציורים מלהיבה ושובה לב למרות הדמויות שספק אם היה מרנין לפגוש אותן ברחוב חשוך.... לא לפספס.
-בן ברוך בליך